Monday, August 17, 2009

Contact Info Etc.

This will most likely be my last post stateside, because getting to the internet in Maine is a giant pain in the butt. That being said, I am currently connected (sitting in the Bangor Public Library for those Mainers reading), setting up a webcam with the express purpose of Skyping with friends and family this fall. The vast majority of my communication with people back home will be through Skype, and I am planning on purchasing a plan that allows me to use Skype to call people's cell phones (and landlines, but who has one of those these days) in the states.

For those of you who are tech-savvy enough to have a Skype account, post your Skype name in the comments section of this page and I'll add you to my contacts (mine is nat.hewett). If you don't have Skype, I'll be getting a cell phone that I can use in Denmark once I get there. I'll post the number once I figure out what it's going to be. However, the best (and least expensive) bet for those who want to get in touch with me while I'm abroad is likely sending me an email asking me to call you and giving me a good idea of a couple of times when that would work for you (keeping in mind that I'm 6 hours ahead of east coast time and will be on a train at 7:15 every morning).

I do want to stay in contact with my friends who are stateside (or any other place in the world I guess), while I'm abroad, so don't hesitate to Skype me at odd hours or send me an email ( or facebook me to set up a time when we can talk! I hope everybody enjoys their semester and I'll see most of you for Winter Study!

1 comment:

  1. I added you to my Skype friends. Accept it.
    - Semira
