Monday, September 7, 2009

Study Tour Itinerary and Meet the Family

Well, it's been a little while since my last post, but not much of note has happened since I last wrote. Mostly just trying my very hardest to NOT get sick until after the Marathon (which is now in less than two weeks) while everybody around me is doing their best to make sure that I catch something between now and then. Seriously, Ingrid, Jonathan, and Kristian all seem to have had or currently have some nasty little bug. If the emergen-C that my brother sent me works, I'll be so pleased.

Health concerns aside, I also have a couple of interesting little updates that I can write about. First, I recieved the itinerary for my Study Tour today. In a word, Awesome! In two, I'm kidding, I won't pull that again. I won't go into huge detail about the times and all of the dirty details (mostly because I didn't write them down and they're not posted on blackboard yet), but our three study locations are a Windmill company, an electronics store in denial about the economic slowdown (and thus still willing to let 25 Americans see what's going on inside) and a Microbrewery (apparently some tastings will be involved!). The three towns that we will be visiting are all on Jutland (two islands to the West), so for the next couple of days I'll be about 200 miles closer to home than I normally am (big difference that makes, right?). The towns are Herning, Århus, and Aalborg. We'll be overnighting in Hostels in Herning and Aalborg, and accordingly that's where most of our free time will be. It should be a really fun trip. It doesn't seem as though it's going to be terribly stressful. A couple of the events that are on our itinerary (on top of the cultural things like museums and theaters that they bring us along to in order to appease our parents--Hi Mom and Dad!), are lunch and adventure golf (mini-golf I'm sure) in Aalborg and an afternoon of paintball in Herning. Should be fun! I'll post details and pictures after the trip!

The second thing I figured that it was about time to write about is the family that I'm living with for these 17 weeks. I am living with the Wredstrøms of Baunevej 22 in Bendstrup. Incidentally, a better mailing address for those of you sending me things while I'm over here (you've got a lot to live up to if you want to beat the AWESOME package that my big bro sent me the other day...probably not even worth trying...), feel free to send it to:

Nathaniel Hewett
c/o Wredstrøm
Baunevej 22
3400 Hillerød, Hillerød

That will get to me slightly quicker than sending it through the beauracracy at DIS. Anyways, here is a brief introduction to the Wredstrøms:
Carsten (the father) is a project manager in København. We often commute to the city together in the morning (having someone to go with is one of the benefits of having 8:30 class each day). He also manages the family's apartment in the city (renting it/maintaining it, etc.). Beyond work, he is a very active individual. As with many of the Danes I've met, Carsten enjoys being physically active in the evening, be it through cycling or going to the local indoor swimming pool to get some laps in.

Ingrid (the mother) runs her own school (The Musketeer School) in Hillerød. She is also currently very busy getting the family settled in to the new house. Both Carsten and Ingrid are involved in the Hillerød Pentecostal FriKirke (Free Church). A free church in Denmark is any church that does not follow the state religion (Lutheranism). Those of you that know my religious leanings can understand the interesting and lively conversation that this can foster, and while both they and myself know that no minds will be changed in the 15 weeks I have remaining here, it is interesting to hear their perspectives and share my perspectives on some potential hot-button issues of the day (creationism, abortion, gay marriage, etc.).

Jonathan (17 y/o) is the oldest of the kids, and is currently enrolled in a Media School. He has aspirations to spend a year in Australia after he turns 18.

Jakob (16 y/o) is in the middle, and is enrolled at an IB school in Birkerød (Two Røds south (rød is the Danish word for clearing, and any town that ends in rød usually arose as the result of a population explosion)). He runs track (specializing in the 400m) and returned from the Danish national championships last night.

Kristian (14 y/o) is the youngest of the bunch, and doesn't yet understand how committed I am to making the nickname that I've given him (roligan) stick... (He is determined to be a Hooligan, and the Danish word for calm is "rolig," so you can see where I'm coming from...). He's also a runner, and is very in to playing with AirSoft guns with his friends and brothers.

Samson (2 y/o) is the dog. He's a very energetic black lab that loves to jump up to your chest (standing on his hind legs) and lick your face. He's a character...

And that's the Wredstrøms! They're a great family and I'm lucky to get to spend the next 15 weeks with them!

That's all for now, but I'll be sure to write some more after the Study Tour this weekend.

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